Upcoming Speaking Engagements:

Roads to Resilience Financial Inclusion Conference, Sydney, February 17/18

SEVENTEENx Sydney - Postponed, to be rescheduled

To inquire about having me speak at your event please contact Jane at Ovations.


The recent past (selection):

Host and Presenter, Entrepreneurship for the Rest of Us, Melbourne, April 28

Social Enterprise Online Masterclass hosted by Impact Evaluation, July 3

Bambuddha Boost with Tom Dawkins - a free webinar on Online Community Building, online, June 18

#StartingGood Virtual Summit, online, May 11-20 - hosting and presenting

Centre for Social Impact impact2020 webinar series, Webinar 17: In Conversation with Tom Dawkins, online, May 15

Newkind Festival, Tasmania, January 28-February 2 2020

ENGAGE Workshop Program, Hong Kong, January 2020

United National Development Program Social Enterprise Workshops, Nadi, Fiji, December 6

United National Development Program Social Enterprise Workshops, Nadi, Fiji, December 5

United National Development Program Social Enterprise Workshops, Honiara, Solomon Islands, December 4

Crowdfunding and Storytelling Masterclass, Hobart, November 28

Aurora Energy Community Gala, Hobart, November 27

Active Citizenship Conference, Parramatta, November 6/7

Society 4.0, Swinburne University, Melbourne, October 30

Ethical Enterprise Conference, Melbourne, October 28-29

Non-Profit Alliance Keynote Series, Sydney, October 3

SEVENTEENx, Brisbane, September 26

Regional Protection Roundtable, Asia Pacific Network of Refugees Consultation, Bangkok, September 8

Social Good Summit, Sydney, August 10

Unity in Diversity Conference, Brisbane, July 25/26

Tech Inclusion Conference, Melbourne, May 22

Investing for Good Conference, Sydney, May 9

Gamechangers, Madame Tussauds, Sydney, April 10

The Australian Centre for Rural Entrepreneurship workshop series, Tallangatta, Victoria, March 5 & 6

Newkind Festival, Marian Bay, Tasmania, February 19-24 2019

Stanford Center on Philanthropy and Civil Society, Come Together: Digital Associations and Democracy, University of Sydney, February 11

Startup Impact Summit, Hong Kong, January 25

ENGAGE Workshop Program, Hong Kong, January 9 and 23 2019

Impact Investment Summit Asia Pacific, Sydney, November 8

Brisbane INNOVATE, Brisbane, November 7

Ethical Enterprise Conference, Melbourne, October 25

The Dunstan Dialogue: Funding for Impact, Adelaide, October 12

Pitch for Good Perth, October 11

Social Enterprise World Forum, Edinburgh Scotland, September 13-15

ENGAGE Workshops Program, Hong Kong, August 25 and September 5

The Social Impact Summit, Perth, July 19-20

Not For Profit Innovation and Growth Summit, Sydney, June 19-21

Myriad Festival, Brisbane, May 16-18

Impact Investment Summit, Sydney, November 11-13

CSIRO ON Tribe Forum, October 17/18, Sydney

Students 4 Students National Leadership Conference, University of Wollongong, October 13/14

Institute for Human Security and Social Change, La Trobe University, May 31, Melbourne

LEAD Conference, University of Western Sydney, April 11, Sydney

Swinburne Social Innovation Institute: "Creating an enduring social innovation ecosystem: people, policy, and technology", Melbourne, March 31

Philanthropy Australia National Conference: Revolution or Evolution: Is Philanthropy Future Ready?, September 21-22, Sydney

Global Changemakers Summit, Zurich, July 26

The Social Responsibility of Startups: A Dinner with Tristan Pollock (500 Startups, SF), May 24, Sydney

Innovative Business Models in Not for Profits Conference, May 11-13, Sydney

Limitless: World Change Speaker Showcase, May 11, Sydney

Nexus Australia Youth Summit, March 6-8, Sydney

Sustainable Living Festival, Panel: Can Democratising Capital Save Us?, February 13, Melbourne

Festival21: Our Future Through Food, Keynote, December 11, Melbourne

Purpose Conference, December 7, Sydney